Friday, July 20, 2012

Day #16 & 17 = Crazy, I know

Why double workouts? Because this girl is crazy  <--------

No, actually I have a prior engagement after work tomorrow, so I will probably get home really late and not want to have anything to do with Asylum. So, I figured instead of skipping a day (or waking up early, because I like my sleeps....) I would just double up my workouts tonight & pick back up on schedule with Saturday.

This is not something I recommend to everyone. Double workouts are really draining, but hey - I figure what doesn't kill me, can only make me stronger! 

It was Vertical Plyo (a crazy intense jumping workout...) and Strength today. 

And let me just  say that "Strength" is by far (except maybe Game Day) my favorite workout from the Asylum arsenal. I feel my heart rate pick up early on in the warm up with the halo dead lifts and I'm literally dripping in sweat not even 10 full minutes in. 


I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before- but I've become more aware of what my body is trying to tell me daily. I'm not sure if I'm wanting something, whether it's a craving I'm used to having, or if my body is actually lacking something essential. For instance, last night after I posted - I was hungry. And while I am aware that it is good practice to go to bed a little hungry, having eaten your last meal atleast 3 hours before you go to sleep, I could not for the life of me shake this aching want for food. 

I tried. I will tell you, I did try. I tossed and turned for about 3 hours last night/this morning, thinking eventually I would fall asleep and my hunger would subside. Unfortunately, it did not. In fact, I eventually gave in (I told you how I went to Panera yesterday, well I had an apple left over that I didn't eat in my purse) and I ate that apple. I ate the mess outta that apple. And it was the most wonderous 80 calories my body had ever experienced at that time. 

And immediately after, I fell right to sleep. 

So maybe I need more practice at trying to figure out what my body needs versus what I think it just may have a temporary want for. : / I'm sure I will get better at it with time. 

In any case, I had an extremely late night tonight. A friend actually joined me for my second workout. And I've only just now gotten to shower and hop into bed & begin posting this!

(I should be sleeping) I have work in the morning, but I said I would post every day! So, here it is. 

I may look into getting some kind of gloves for working out with. I've got some raw spots on my hands from gripping my tiny dumb bells to tightly tonight...

Also. Since I'm holding myself accountable, I totally cheated today. Hardcore. Work bought us lunch today, and I have a hard time saying no to free food. It was chick-fil-a too.... and we all know how bad those people who make that chicken are....

Oh you silly ecards...

I ate 4 hate-flavored chicken tenders that I actually cut up and threw on top of my spicy tuna salad, figured I could use the extra protein. And I have 1/2 a veggie wrap with honey mustard. I also have about  8 pieces of chicken nuggets with a packet of blue cheese dressing.... T_T

Yeah, I told you I cheated hardcore. Thanks to the nifty nutrition calculator that is available on virtually every fast food place's website - I calculated that I roughly ate about 950 calories for LUNCH alone. :(

As much as I'd like to pretend I can cut that up into two different meals and eat them 4 hours apart, that was not the case. So, I suppose in the morning I will see the damages from my inability to make simple decisions and fucking stick with them...

Speaking of which, the more I post here, the more I realize just how wimpy I seem. That I couldn't even go a day without resisting some silly chickens or chocolates.... (Which by the way, today I had none) Small victories, I suppose.

And it brings into perspective- if I'm willing to push my body to its limits with these workouts, shouldn't I - at the VERY least be putting good food in it, to help fuel it and make it better for said workouts? I need to stick to my diet, damn it. Oh! Before I forget, this morning the magical mythical scale read : 175.4 lbs. 

Mind you, I weight myself everyday at the same time in the morning, usually right after I wake up..
So let's recap, shall we?

Mon - 180.8
Tues - 178.0
Wed - 177.2
Thurs - 175.4

It seems to be a steady decline. But we will see how badly I screwed up with my infatuation with chicken free of cost for lunch today. (Or yesterday, I suppose)

I know it's late, but this totally counts as Thursday's post. :)

Well, that's all folks. I really need the sleep, since I work around 9:30 in the AM, and it is steadily approaching the 4 o' clock hour. But it was a good night, I stayed up late talking with a good friend. So, time well spent. 

<3 Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Insight to why you felt hungry and couldn't sleep. CFA and all the other junk has ingredients that will eff you up physiologically.
